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Moksada Ekadashi

December 19, 2018

This Ekadasi occurs in the month of Magashirsa November/December. The glories of this Ekadasi are untold. In the Brahmananda Purana they are described in a conversation between Krsna and Maharaja Yudhisthira.
When Maharaja Yudhisthira questioned Krsna about this particular Ekadasi he asked: “How should one spend his time on this glorious day? Please explain to me the delineation of how to follow this Ekadasi and thus please The Supreme Personality of Godhead.”

Sri Krsna replied: “Oh my dear one, Yudhisthira. If one worships the Supreme Lord on this most munificent day, all his sinful reactions will be completely destroyed. One should offer tulasiĀ  leaves and manjaris to the Lords lotus feet. By so doing, He will be unlimitedly pleased. By observing this Ekadasi one achieves the result of performing three hundred thousand Sankranta sacrifices.

“There was once a king named Vaisakhacuda who lived in the city of Camakpura and ruled over it very mercifully. The citizens cared for him very much, but he was despondent and couldn’t quite understand why. He was affectionate to the citizens and many highly qualified Brahmanas came to advise him regularly. One day the King had a vision in a vast dream he was having. He dreamt that his father had fallen into a hellish condition and was suffering a terrible afflictation of mind, body and spirit.

When realising this unbeknown truth the King decided very firmly to do something practical about it. The following day the King awoke at dawn and rallied his faithful confidants to his aid. He foreswore to explain to them exactly what had happened and be truthful in his telling. He also made a firm sankalpa to deliver his father from the decrepid position he had fallen into.

Upon disclosing the nature of his dream and his intention to rectify the situation, the kings brahmana advisors posited a perfect plan. They sat in counsel for a long time and mulled over the problem-analysing it from all possible angles of vision. The old and wise advisors to the king, suggested many practical solutions and the younger brahmanas also raised some apt and pertinent points.

When they’d completely eradicated all doubt from their minds; the plan forumulated in full concentration and they approached King Vaisakhacuda.

“Oh King, barely a stones throw from this place there is the hermitage of Parvata Muni.HeĀ  is tri-kala-jna meaning he knows the past, the present and the future simultaneously. We would request you to relate the topics of your dream to him.”

“Once the brahmanas had recounted their conclusions to the King they accompanied him to the asrama of Parvata Muni. When the muni enquired as to the welfare of his lands the king replied

“My Lord, due to your munificence and exemplary character the people of our land are happy and contented. However, despite the general welfare of the land I am troubled. A doubt has arisen in my mind and I believe you are my only hope in rectifying this difficulty.

“After considering the Kings words the greatly sagacious muni known as Parvata began to speak.

“In his previous life, your father was very lusty and has thus degraded himself in this way. The best solution I can recommend, in this particular case-is for you and your familiars to observe the vow of the Ekadasi that falls in the month of Maghashirsa. This one day of Ekadasi will free your father from all sinful reactions – if you just observe this one Ekadasi there will be no difficulty for you or your kin. Just observe this one day of austerity and by so doing-offer the resultant piety to your father. That way your father and your family will be relieved of the burdensome weight of sins accumulated over billions of births.”

“After hearing the instruction of Parvata Muni, King Vaisakhacuda and his courtiers returned to the palace at Camakpura. When the Ekadasi day arrived, the King and his Queens, along with the servants-observed the vrata or vow, with enthusiasm. Upon completing the vociferous fast the father departed for the heavenly planet and blessed his son with all due love, care and attention. The pious results accrued from such an act were so vast that they were shared with all, to their fullest capacity.

“Oh King, anyone who observes this Ekadasi is certainly released from all his sinful reactions.”


December 19, 2018
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Please note that this vaishnava calendar displays the holy days according to the dates and times for Mayapur, India, the spiritual capital of Gaudiya Vaishnavas. At this sacred place Lord Sri Krishna appeared as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to mercifully deliver the fallen souls of this age of kali-yuga.