This calendar page highlights all important gaudiya vaishnava events that fall in current month. You can view events in upcoming months and years using the navigation below. Click on events for more details.
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Beginning of Salagrama and Tulasi Jala Dana
Starting of Tulasi Jala Dana During the hot season in India, a pot of dripping water is placed over Tulasi and Salagrama to keep them cool. Keshava Vrata starts; for one month one should control the senses, sleep on the earth, bath twice daily in a river, worship the Lord and give cloth, sugar, […]
Find out more »Disappearance Day of Sri Abhirama Thakura
Abhirama Thakura was one of the most vigorous preachers among the associates of Lord Nityananda Prabhu. In the mood of a cowherd boy, Sri Abhirama Thakura carried a bullwhip named Jaya Mangala. For: Detailed Biography, Audio Lectures, Video Lectures, Gallery, etc.of Sri Abhirama Thakura -
Find out more »Please note that this vaishnava calendar displays the holy days according to the dates and times for Mayapur, India, the spiritual capital of Gaudiya Vaishnavas. At this sacred place Lord Sri Krishna appeared as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to mercifully deliver the fallen souls of this age of kali-yuga.