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May 2020

Narasimha Caturdasi – Appearance of Lord Narasimhadeva

May 6, 2020

The appearance anniversary of Lord Narasimhadeva, Lord Krishna’s incarnation as half-man, half-lion.     tava kara-kamala-vare nakham adbhuta-srngam dalita-hiranyakasipu-tanu-bhrngam keshava dhrta-narahari-rupa jaya jagadisa hare   "O Keshava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of half-man, half-lion! All glories to You! Just as one can easily crush a wasp between one's fingernails, so in the same way the body of the wasp like demon Hiranyakashipu has been ripped apart by the wonderful pointed nails…

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June 2020

Snana Yatra

June 5, 2020

On this full-moon day, sixteen days before Ratha- yatra, Lord Jagannatha is bathed. He becomes sick and is confined to rest for fourteen days. He is then offered special care until He comes out for Ratha-yatra. A special bath of Jagannath takes place on the Purnima of Jyestha month (Devasnan Purnima), to commemorate the appearance day of Lord Jagannath. According to Skanda Purana when Raja Indradyumna installed the wooden deities he arranged this bathing ceremony. This day considered to be…

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Gundica Marjana

June 22, 2020

The cleansing of the Gundica temple in Jagannatha Puri, India. In his Amrta-pravaha-bhasya, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura summarizesthis chapter as follows. The King of Orissa, Maharaja Prataparudra,tried his best to see Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Srila Nityananda Prabhu andthe other devotees informed the Lord about the King's desire, but SriCaitanya Mahaprabhu would not agree to see him. At that time Sri NityanandaPrabhu devised a plan, and He sent a piece of the Lord's outward garmentto the King. The next day, when Ramananda…

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Ratha Yatra Starts

June 23, 2020

The chariot festival in which Lord Krsna in the form of Lord Jagannatha rides with Lord Balarama and Subhadra Devi in Jagannatha Puri, India. At the height of Indian summer, right at the beginning of the Monsoon, the Lord of Puri goes to his garden palace for the annual summer vacation. Originally the festival has its foundation in the residents of Vrindavan bringing back their Lords, Krishna, Balaram and Lady Subhadra from Kurukshetra. Today in Puri He, the Lord of…

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August 2020

Appearance Day of Lord Balarama

August 3, 2020

Lord Balarama is the first personal expansion of Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. All other incarnations expand from Him. In Lord Krsna’s pastimes, He plays as Krsna’s older brother. Together Krsna and Balarama enact many pastimes as cowherd boys in the land of Vrndavana. Who is Lord Balarama? The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, is the fountainhead of all incarnations. Lord Balarama is His second body. They are both one and the same identity. They differ only in form.…

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Please note that this vaishnava calendar displays the holy days according to the dates and times for Mayapur, India, the spiritual capital of Gaudiya Vaishnavas. At this sacred place Lord Sri Krishna appeared as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to mercifully deliver the fallen souls of this age of kali-yuga.