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February 2024

Appearance Day of Sri Advaita Acharya

February 16

Advaita Acharya, an intimate associate of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, is considered an incarnation of Sadasiva and Maha- Visnu. It was in response to His calls that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu descended to this world.   For: Detailed Biography, Audio Lectures, Video Lectures, Gallery, etc. of Sri Advaita Acharya -

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February 17

Bhismastami is the appearance anniversary of Bhismadeva, the “grandfather” of the Pandavas. Bhishma's name in his boyhood was Devavrata.     Geneology: From Vishnu were descended in the following order - Brahma-Atri-Candra-Budha - Pururavas - Ayus - Nahusha- Yayati - Puru - Janamejaya - Prachinvaa - Pravira - Namasyu - Vitabhava - Shundu - Bahuvidha - Samyati - Rahovadi - Raudrasva - Matinara - Santurodha - Dushyanta - Bharata - Suhotra - Gala - Gardda - Suketu - Brhatksetra -…

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Disappearance Day of Sri Madhvacharya

February 18

Madhvacharya is the principal acharya, or spiritual teacher, in in the Brahma-sampradaya, the Vaisnava disciplic line from which the Gaudiya sampradaya descends. He was born in Udupi, South India, in the early thirteenth century.   For: Detailed Biography, Audio Lectures, Video Lectures, etc. of Sri Madhvacharya -

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Disappearance Day of Sri Ramanujacharya

February 19

Ramanujacharya was the principal acarya in the Sri sampradaya, one of the four main lines of Vaisnava teachers and disciples. His Vedanta-sutra commentary Sri-bhasya establishes the doctrine known as Visistadvaita, “qualified nondualism.”   For: Detailed Biography, Audio Lectures, etc. of Sri Ramanujacharya -

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Bhaimi Ekadashi

February 20

It is said that if one observes upavasa on this day then one receives entrance to Visnu’s abode, even though one has not performed the other vratas of the year. Yudhisthira Maharaj said, “Oh Lord of the lords, Sri Krishna, all glories unto You! Oh Master of the universe, You alone are the source of the four types of living entities those born from eggs, those born from perspiration, those born from seeds and those born from embryos. You alone…

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Please note that this vaishnava calendar displays the holy days according to the dates and times for Mayapur, India, the spiritual capital of Gaudiya Vaishnavas. At this sacred place Lord Sri Krishna appeared as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to mercifully deliver the fallen souls of this age of kali-yuga.