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I have made this website as a service to the devotees of Lord Krishna in Gaudiya vaishnava lineage. On this website I have given data about each vaishnava events along with links to more information, audio lectures, videos, images, etc. All this information & links are to assist devotees become more conscious about the wonderful vaishnava events & festivals. The information on this website will help us know more about the lives of our previous vaishnava saints, their selfless devotion, their pure Krishna consciousness and their sacrifices for the welfare of all of us.

I want to assist devotees incorporate the vaishnava calendar in their personal lives. By observing these vaishnava events / festivals and remembering our previous vaishnava acharyas, we will be more inspired & blessed in our sadhana. Thus we will make our precious life more Krishna conscious & engage in more harinam sankritan. This is my only goal in making this website. I request all of you to assist me by your feedback and by spreading the information of this website with your family and friends.

Your servant
Bhaktin Prajakta